Wednesday, July 4, 2018


1972/73 – 2012/13

            I am grateful to the Organizing Committee of the Conference for inviting me to deliver the Keynote address at this concluding session. As a young CSP officer working as Additional Finance Secretary in the Government of Sindh I had the privilege of presenting a paper on “The Economy of Modern Sindh” at the First International Seminar on ‘Sind through centuries’ held in March 1975. This paper was subsequently expanded into form of a book which was published by the Institute of Sindhology, Jamshoro in 1981.
 The question I wish to explore this afternoon is what has happened to economic and social indicators and living standards of the people of Sindh during these last four decades.
The record is mixed. While per capita incomes have risen several fold, living standards have moved upwards, incidence of poverty is lower the social indicators remain dismal. Adult Literacy and Net Enrolment ratios are still low. Health and Nutritional Standards have not seen much progress. Rural-Urban Disparities have become more acute creating social tensions. Energy and water shortages have stunted the growth potential of the province. Poor Governance and weak institutions have made the delivery of basic services to the poor almost inaccessible. Deteriorating Security and law and order situation and increased violence have stalled the level of economic activity from its optimal level.

Forty three years ago the country had gone through a cataclysmic upheaval in the form of separation of the Eastern Wing of the country, detention of 92,000 soldiers in the Indian campus, breakup of West Pakistan as one unit , nationalization of industries, banks  and educational institutions, radical reforms of Civil Service Structure and so on. These non-economic factors had created a host of difficulties for orderly and smooth operation of the economy. But the newly established province of Sindh with a popularly elected government marched along.

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